Skin Growths


A smattering of freckles across the nose and cheekbones can be endearing but when they are related to the aging process and excessive sun exposure, they do not possess the same appeal.

Visible Effects

Freckles normally appear as a uniform tan or light brown spots over sun exposed skin. When freckling arises from photodamage, they detract from a clear and luminous complexion, adding years to our appearance and an irregularity to our complexion.

Underlying Causes

Freckles are caused by sun exposure often starting as a child. When damage from ultraviolet light occurs, one of its common manifestations is as an uneven distribution of melanin. Heavy, irregular deposits of pigment form tan or light brown spots on the skin which can look very similar to freckles but have a dangerous potential.


The formation of new freckles can be prevented by limiting sun exposure and wearing sunscreen daily. Partial to complete sun-related freckle removal can be achieved through fractionated laser resurfacing by the Fraxel® re:store DUAL or Fraxel® re:pair, BBL Photorejuvenation, Clear + Brilliant® laser skin treatments, and chemical peels. SkinCeuticals medical grade skincare offers significant skin brightening benefits and is an integral component of any freckle treatment plan. As a centre for advanced laser, aesthetic dermatology and facial cosmetic surgery, Cutis is equipped to address concerns with freckles safely and effectively. Our team of health care professionals will determine which approach is best suited to your goals and lifestyle. We invite you to schedule a consultation and treatment to improve the tone and health of your skin today.

Non-Surgical Solutions


It may look like a pimple but it doesn’t act like one. If you’ve encountered small, white, pearl-like bumps on your skin, they may be common skin lesions known as milia.

Visible Effects

Milia do not form from a pore, which explains why they do not act like an ordinary blemish. They are formed by dead skin cells which have been trapped in a tight pocket-like formation just under the surface of the skin. It is common to find milia under the eyes, on the cheeks and forehead. Multiple milia can result in bumpy, uneven skin texture.

Underlying Causes

There is not an official cause for milia. Some individuals are predisposed to them, particularly when conditions like dermatitis or rosacea are also present. Milia are also loosely associated with sun damage and may occur in the aftermath of a skin abrasion. They may be associated with occlusive heavy creams , moisturizers and makeups. Milia may arise spontaneously.


For the many reasons milia may appear, regular exfoliation and non-occlusive skincare and make up products can help to prevent their formation. As a Dermatologist, Dr. Edstrom offers expert milia removal to Cutis patients. To maintain healthy skin and aid in the treatment of milia, other solutions may include microdermabrasion, chemical peels and the prescription of advanced skincare for home use. Book in for a professional consultation or milia treatment with Cutis today.

Non-Surgical Solutions


Moles and beauty marks are one part of the whole which makes us unique. While moles can be attractive and endearing, at times, depending on their location and appearance, they may be a distinction we would prefer to live without. In time, some harmless spots can also become cancerous or high-risk moles which may need to be removed.

Visible Effects

Moles may be flat or raised. Their colour can span a range from pink and flesh-tone to tan and dark brown due to a proliferation of pigment forming cells called melanocytes. While generally round or oval, moles can vary in both shape and size. These common skin lesions can been found anywhere on the body.

Underlying Causes

Moles that are present at birth or appear within the first few years of life are considered congenital. Others arise later in life sometimes from repeated sun exposure or a family history of moles. Changes in shape, border, colour, and size should be monitored and noted with your family physician.


To maintain skin health, we first recommend the use of daily sun protection with a SPF > 30 . To effectively treat unwanted moles. In other instances, following an evaluation by our Dermatologist, surgical mole excision may be recommended. At Cutis, our Dermatologist, Dr. Edstrom and Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Lemckert perform surgical mole removal. Learn more about safe mole practices and your best options for mole and skin lesion removal. Schedule a professional consultation with us today.

Surgical Solutions

Pore Size

Porcelain skin – our ideal. Pore size is a leading factor of flawless complexions and of how we feel about our skin. Commonly, diminishing large pores is a skin care priority.

Visible Effects

Enlarged pores may be accompanied by a bumpy skin texture and a dull complexion. Enlarged pores are synonymous with oily skin and blackheads, compromising the overall beauty of skin.

Underlying Causes

As we age, the rate of skin cell renewal and natural exfoliation slows down and pores become enlarged and congested. Furthermore, as collagen degrades and its production slows, the loss of skin volume and tone can cause pores to appear larger. These changes are due, primarily, to natural aging but can be enhanced by lifestyle choices such as smoking and sun tanning, which adversely affect these functions of the skin.


When our skin is at its best, pores are refined and our skin is smooth. As a centre for aesthetic dermatology, facial cosmetic surgery and medical grade skincare, Cutis specializes in safe and effective solutions to reduce pore size. Tailored treatment approaches may include a blend of Clear and Brilliant laser, chemical peels, BBL Photorejuvenation, fractional laser resurfacing with the Fraxel® re:pair or Fraxel® re:store DUAL, Halo Pro and SkinCeuticals medical grade skincare. To ensure your satisfaction, Cutis will work with you to understand your objectives and design a treatment plan to fit your lifestyle. Learn what is available to refine pores and improve skin texture. We welcome you to schedule a consultation and treatment today.

Non-Surgical Solutions

Skin Tags

Common skin tags are aesthetically unpleasing and at times uncomfortable if they are pulled or torn due to friction and location.

Visible Effects

Skin tags are defined as soft, harmless tissue that projects out from the skin’s surface. They are comprised of loosely formed collagen fibres and blood vessels. They are commonly found on the face, neck, underarms and areas of skin chafing such as the groin. Skin tags can be flesh-coloured or darker and range in size from a few millimetres to five centimetres.

Underlying Causes

The cause skin tags is unknown although they are common in areas of skin chafing and irritation. They may be familial.


As a centre for aesthetic dermatology and facial cosmetic surgery, Cutis can effectively manage and remove skin tags. Such skin lesions require specific courses of treatment and technology, safely directed by a specialized dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. Treatment methods may include electrocautery, cryotherapy, radiofrequency ablation or surgical excision. A consultation will determine which solution will best suit your needs and lifestyle while yielding optimal results. Schedule a skin tag consultation and treatment with Cutis today. Contact us for further information.

Non-Surgical Solutions

Surgical Solutions

DISCLAIMER: Individual outcomes, results and number of treatments recommended may vary based on individual patient needs, medical history, and circumstances. Cutis Cosmetic & Laser Centre cannot guarantee exact or permanent results or cures.